In the Press
JUL '22
Cultural Reset UK Album Review
Featured on Slacker Shack "Great New Music - Cime"
Featured Pick in New Music Jason's "Album Releases of the Week"
Featured on Santa Cruz KZSC's Feline Funky
Tonitruale Album Review/Interview - "Cime's Reconciliations"
Featured on Vancouver CFRO Co-Op Radio's Gender Queeries
Featured on Bloomington WFHB's Planetary Caravan
Pitch Perfect Site Album Review
Featured on Ingrown Radio's Found on Submithub
Featured on Kansas City KTBG The Bridge's The Z Show
Featured in Green Left's "10 new albums the US Supreme Court judges won't listen to"
NOV '22
Interview with San Diego Voyager
Received the Costello Award for "Concept Album of the Year" from The Working Week on 90.9 WCWM (Gotta take me at my word for this one)
AUG '23
Interview w/Aldora Britain Records' The Global Independent and Underground Music e-Zine Issue 110
Featured on Tinnitist's Upcoming Releases
I Hate Music w/John Dietz @ Richmond WCWM 90.9 FM Interview
Interview with Molly O'Brien on The Molly Zone Music Newsletter
Album Review by Frowny Face Records
Album release featured on Indonesians Most Wanted
Featured in Rosy Overdrive's "Pressing Concerns"
Interview w/Just Some Mustard for their Newsletter
Featured on Simon Edwards' Loose Canon Radio Show